What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain? (2024)

Lower abdominal pain has a lot of causes and can feel significantly different depending on the cause. Most of the time, it’s something innocuous like trapped gas or indigestion.

Sometimes, though, lower abdominal pain can be a symptom of a more serious issue. Pay attention to any other symptoms you have, as they may be clues as to what's going on.

This article looks at many causes of lower abdominal pain, their symptoms, what causes them, and how they're diagnosed and treated.

What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain? (1)

Lower Abdominal Pain Symptoms

Lower abdominal pain can feel different depending on the underlying cause. Some types of pain are spread throughout the lower abdomen. Others may feel specific and pointed.

Symptoms may differ depending on the reason for the pain. Lower abdominal pain is a symptom in and of itself. It’s not a condition.

Red Flag Digestive Symptoms

Get immediate medical help for:

  • Fever with abdominal pain
  • Severe pain that doesn't go away
  • Vomiting blood
  • Signs of shock or low blood pressure that may signal internal bleeding
  • Bloody or dark tarry stools

Causes of Lower Abdominal Pain

Lower abdominal pain can be either acute or chronic. Acute pain comes on suddenly and may go away on its own. Chronic pain lasts longer than six months.

Both types of pain may result from something benign, like an upset stomach, or more serious, like appendicitis.


Appendicitis is a serious condition that requires emergency attention. When the appendix becomes infected and inflamed, prompt treatment is necessary to prevent the organ from rupturing.

People between the ages of 10 and 30 are most likely to get appendicitis. It can happen at any age, though.

Most people with appendicitis have pain that:

  • Starts suddenly on the right side of the lower abdomen
  • Starts suddenly around the navel, then shifts to the lower right abdomen
  • Is relieved by putting pressure on the site but comes back when the pressure is removed
  • Gets worse when you move, breathe deeply, cough, or sneeze
  • Comes on before other symptoms and gets worse over the next few hours
  • Is severe and may have a different quality than you've felt before

Other possible symptoms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Mild fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Being unable to pass gas

When the appendix ruptures, it usually alleviates the pain for a while. However, the burst organ spills infection out into your abdomen, where it can spread throughout your body. That leads to sepsis, which is life-threatening.

Is My Pain From an Ovarian Cyst or Appendicitis?

Get Emergency Treatment

If you think you have appendicitis or a ruptured appendix, call 911 or go to an emergency room. The condition almost always requires immediate surgery to avoid potentially fatal complications.


Colitis is an inflammatory condition that causes swelling in the large intestine and may cause lower abdominal pain. The pain can come and go or remain constant.

Other symptoms include:

  • Blood in the stool
  • Bloating
  • Frequent urge to have a bowel movement
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Fever

Colitis can happen due to:

  • An infection
  • Food poisoning
  • Crohn's disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Ischemic colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are classified as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).

Diverticular Disease

Diverticular disease includes diverticulosis and diverticulitis.


People with diverticulosis have bulging pouches that protrude from the large intestine or colon. Older adults are more likely to have this condition.

Some people have no symptoms at all. But the bulging can cause abdominal bloating, cramping, and constipation.


When the pouches become irritated in some way, the condition is called diverticulitis. Left-sided abdominal pain is the most common symptom of this type of inflammation or infection. Other symptoms of diverticulitis include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Constipation
  • Cramping

When to Go to the ER For Diverticulitis

Kidney Infection

A kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is a serious infection that often starts with an infection of the bladder (also called infectious cystitis). When cystitis due to bacteria or fungi travels to the kidneys, it can cause a kidney infection.

While you're likely to feel some back pain, you may also feel pain under your ribs, around the abdomen, and around your groin. Kidney infection pain is typically very severe.

Symptoms may include:

  • Pain when urinating
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • High fever with chills
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

If you suspect you have a kidney infection, get immediate medical attention.

Acute Urinary Retention

If you have acute urinary retention, you're suddenly unable to pass urine. Urinary retention can also be chronic. Chronic urinary retention is more likely in males and may not cause symptoms.

If you suddenly can't pass urine, you'll likely experience severe pain, which can radiate to your abdomen. However, the inability to urinate is the most obvious sign of this condition.

Acute urinary retention requires an emergency room visit.


Females are more likely than males to develop cystitis—inflammation of the bladder. It's typically caused by bacteria, but it can be due to other causes.

Cystitis symptoms include:

  • A cramping-like pain in the lower middle abdomen
  • Pain in the back
  • Cloudy urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Low-grade fever
  • Burning or painful urination
  • Frequent need to urinate, even after you've just urinated

Nephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones)

Kidney stones often cause extremely severe back pain, but the pain can also creep forward to the side of your abdomen.

Other symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Burning pain when urinating

While small kidney stones may pass on their own, larger ones may require treatment. They can cause urinary tract infections, which cause aching pain in the lower abdomen and make urination painful.

4 Stages of Passing a Kidney Stone

Trapped Gas

Gas can end up in the digestive tract when you swallow air or eat certain foods that cause gas. Some foods contain substances that can make you feel gassy, such as:

  • Soluble fiber, like beans
  • Insoluble fiber, like vegetables
  • Fructose, like onions or bananas
  • Raffinose, in cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables
  • Starch, like potatoes and noodles
  • Lactose, found in dairy products

Some people are more likely to have gas in the digestive tract, including people who are lactose intolerant or have digestive disorders.

Symptoms of trapped gas may include:

  • Burping
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Flatulence

The abdominal pain from trapped gas depends on where it is. Left-side gas may feel like heart-related pain, while right-side gas may feel similar to appendicitis.

Twisted Bowel

Lower abdominal pain can also be an early sign of twisted bowel. Also known as volvulus, twisted bowel happens when part of your intestine twists around itself, cutting off its blood supply.

Other symptoms of this condition include:

  • Vomiting green bile
  • Nausea
  • Bloody stool
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal swelling

Twisted bowel is an emergency condition that requires immediate medical care.

Menstrual Cramps

Cramping during menstruation happens due to uterine contractions. The pain can be mild or severe. You may experience lower back pain in addition to lower abdominal pain.

Other symptoms that may accompany menstrual cramps include:

  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting

Some people experience menstrual cramps due to another disorder or infection. This is called secondary dysmenorrhea. This abnormal cramping can happen for several reasons, including:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Adenomyosis


Constipation is an uncomfortable condition in which it is difficult to make a bowel movement. You can become constipated if you lack fiber in your diet or suddenly change your eating habits.

Symptoms of constipation include:

  • Dry, hard stools
  • Not passing stools at all
  • Bloating
  • If there's trapped gas or a blockage, lower abdominal pain

Constipation is sometimes due to an underlying condition.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that causes various gastrointestinal symptoms, including:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Changes in bowel movements, including diarrhea, constipation, or a mix of both
  • Bloating
  • Mucus in stool
  • A sensation of an unfinished bowel movement

Causes of Pelvic Pain

Sometimes people mistake pelvic pain for lower abdominal pain. Conditions that can cause pain in this area include:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Ruptured ovarian cyst
  • Leiomyomas (fibroids)
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovarian torsion
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation
  • Ovarian cancer

Diagnosis of Lower Abdominal Pain

If your abdominal pain doesn’t seem to be the result of indigestion and is getting worse or not going away, you should see a healthcare provider.

They will likely perform a physical exam and ask about your symptoms in detail. They may also request tests to rule out possible causes of your abdominal pain.

Expect your provider to ask you about the exact location of the pain and to describe the sensation you’re feeling. They may perform a gynecological or rectal exam if you have lower abdominal pain.

Testing may include:

  • Blood tests such as a complete blood count to check for infection or blood loss
  • A pregnancy test
  • Imaging tests such as a computed tomography (CT) scan to look at your abdominal organs

If you could be pregnant, an ultrasound is the preferred imaging method for evaluating unexplained abdominal pain.

What Is an Abdominal Ultrasound?

Treatment of Lower Abdominal Pain

Treatment depends on the cause of the lower abdominal pain.

For mild abdominal pain that's the result of trapped gas or indigestion, you may have relief with:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medications including calcium carbonate
  • Adjusting your diet by eliminating foods that cause indigestion or gas
  • Probiotics
  • Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) such as acupuncture or massage

If you have a bacterial infection that's causing abdominal pain, you may need prescription medication. Those with severe indigestion may also require prescription drugs. A urinary tract infection is usually treated with antibiotics.

Some digestive disorders, such as colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, have no cure. Treatment involves a combination of lifestyle changes and prescription medications in order to manage symptoms.

Treatment may also depend on the severity of the condition. People with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis may need to take prescription drugs such as:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Aminosalicylates
  • Biologics
  • Immunomodulators
  • Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors

Some causes of lower abdominal pain may require surgery. For example, people with severe ulcerative colitis may need surgery to avoid complications of the disease. The need for surgery is decided on a case-by-case basis.

Appendicitis is considered an emergency condition that almost always requires surgery as soon as possible. Without surgery, the appendix could burst and cause peritonitis, a life-threatening infection.


Lower abdominal pain can be acute or chronic. It can be a symptom of minor or major digestive system conditions such as gas, indigestion, constipation, colitis, diverticular disease, or appendicitis.

Gynecologic conditions such as menstrual cramps or pregnancy may also be causes, as can kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause. It may include anything from over-the-counter antacids to emergency surgery.

See a healthcare provider if your symptoms aren't going away or are getting worse, or if you have other potentially serious symptoms, such as:

  • Blood in the stool
  • High fever
  • Vomiting blood
  • Lightheadedness
  • Severe pain that doesn't go away

Correction - June 9, 2023: The article was updated to note that volvulus can also cause lower abdominal pain.

What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain? (2024)


What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain? ›

Less serious causes of abdominal pain include constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, and a stomach virus. Other, more serious, causes include appendicitis, an abdominal aortic aneurysm, a bowel blockage, cancer, and gastroesophageal reflux.

What is the main cause of lower abdominal pain? ›

For this reason, conditions affecting your intestines are the most common causes of lower abdominal pain. These include everyday digestive problems such as gas and indigestion, diarrhea and constipation. They also include more serious gastrointestinal diseases, both chronic and acute.

What causes lower abdominal pain in females? ›

Lower abdominal pain (LAP) is one of the most common complaints in females. While the reasons for LAP are still unknown, there are several potential causes. Some of the most common causes include pregnancy, menopause, liver or gallbladder problems, ovarian cysts, and kidney stones.

How do you relieve lower abdominal pain? ›

Be guided by your doctor, but there are some things you can do to help ease the pain, including:
  1. Place a hot water bottle or heated wheat bag on your abdomen.
  2. Soak in a warm bath. ...
  3. Drink plenty of clear fluids such as water.
  4. Reduce your intake of coffee, tea and alcohol as these can make the pain worse.

What are the 3 types of abdominal pain? ›

There are three main types of abdominal pain: visceral, parietal, and referred pain.

When should I worry about lower abdominal pain? ›

Make an appointment with your doctor if your abdominal pain worries you or lasts more than a few days. In the meantime, find ways to ease your pain. For instance, eat smaller meals if your pain is accompanied by indigestion.

What are red flags for abdominal pain? ›

If the pain in your abdominal region is dull and persistent or sudden and severe and is also accompanied by vomiting, that's another major red flag. The combination of abdominal pain and vomiting – especially if the vomiting is intense and lasts for a prolonged period of time – could be a sign of a major complication.

What kind of infection causes lower abdominal pain? ›

One of the most common causes of lower abdominal pain are infections caused by various viruses or bacteria known as gastroenteritis. “Viral causes are by far the most common and more contagious, but bacterial causes are often more serious in nature, often caused by food or water sources,” notes Mark D.

What is the most common cause of abdominal pain in females? ›

Common causes, such as gas and indigestion, menstrual cramps, or even food poisoning and the flu may be instantly recognizable. Other causes may be more mysterious. And sometimes abdominal pain is a sign of an unsuspected or serious condition.

What organ is in a woman's lower abdomen? ›

Uterus - also called the womb, the uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located in a woman's lower abdomen, between the bladder and the rectum. Ovaries - two female reproductive organs located in the pelvis. Cervix - the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb) located between the bladder and the rectum.

What causes lower abdominal pain in females no period? ›

Lots of women get pelvic pain and cramping, but your period isn't always to blame. Cysts, constipation, pregnancy -- even cancer -- can make it feel like your monthly visitor is about to stop by. It can be tough to tell whether having cramps without a period is caused by something simple or more serious.

How long should lower abdominal pain last? ›

Harmless abdominal pain usually subsides or goes away within two hours. Some of the common causes for stomach pain are from: Gas: Formed in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food, gas can cause general stomach pain and cramps. This often can be indicated by belching or flatulence.

What medicine is good for lower abdominal pain? ›

For cramping from diarrhea, medicines that have loperamide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol) might make you feel better. For other types of pain, acetaminophen (Aspirin Free Anacin, Liquiprin, Panadol, Tylenol) might be helpful.

What is the most common cause of abdominal pain? ›

Digestion issues, including indigestion, gas, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies, and food poisoning, are all extremely common causes of stomach pain. In most cases, the discomfort will go away within a few hours or a few days. Inflammation caused by an irritation or infection.

Which abdominal pain is serious? ›

Call your doctor right away if you have abdominal pain so severe that you can't move without causing more pain, or you can't sit still or find a comfortable position. Seek immediate medical help if pain is accompanied by other worrisome signs and symptoms, including: Severe pain. Fever.

What are the 5 F's of abdominal pain? ›

Healthcare providers diagnose a distended abdomen in terms of the “five 'f's”: flatus (gas), fetus (pregnancy), feces (trapped poop), fluid (from several causes) or fat. A distended abdomen may be very uncomfortable, or it may simply be a symptom that you and your healthcare provider observe visually.

Should I go to ER for lower abdominal pain? ›

Most people will go to the ER when they're having severe pain. But you should also go if you're having other symptoms, like fever, nonstop vomiting, bleeding, or fainting. The ER is the best place to evaluate severe or worrisome abdominal pain because it can provide quick testing and treatment.

Can lower abdomen pain be serious? ›

People experiencing persistent or chronic pain in the lower abdomen should seek medical attention. Sudden onset of severe pain in the lower left abdomen may require immediate medical care.

When should you not ignore abdominal pain? ›

Abdominal pain can be serious, but most abdominal pain gets better on its own without needing any special treatment. Don't ignore abdominal pain — see your doctor if your symptoms are severe, get worse over time, keep coming back, or are ongoing.

What is the best test for abdominal pain? ›

Tests for abdominal pain

Your doctor may order urine, blood and stool tests. Imaging tests are also helpful for detecting abnormalities inside your digestive system and other organs. These tests may include X-rays, CT scan, ultrasound, barium enema or endoscopy.

What is the first-line for abdominal pain? ›

Antispasmodics and peppermint oil can be used first-line for the treatment of abdominal pain.

Can lower abdominal pain be a UTI? ›

Urinary tract infection

UTIs typically cause bladder-specific symptoms like cloudy urine or pain when you urinate. However, the bacteria causing the infection can also affect your abdomen, specifically your lower abdomen. You may experience a lot of pressure and pain, and bloating can occur.

What causes lower abdominal pain in females not UTI? ›

Ovarian cysts

Because the ovaries are located near the pelvis, they can cause symptoms that feel similar to a UTI, but can also cause severe abdominal pain if they rupture. If you do experience symptoms, they may include: Pressure or bloating in the lower abdomen. Bloating and swelling.

What does abdominal pain feel like with a UTI? ›

Abdominal Pain

Pain from a bladder infection presents itself as a sharp or stabbing pain in the lower abdomen. If however, you begin to feel pain in the middle of your back, it could indicate that your infection has spread to your kidneys.

What diseases are associated with abdominal pain? ›

Abdominal pain is the primary symptom of these 9 diseases:
  • Hernias. ...
  • Appendicitis. ...
  • Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) ...
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) ...
  • Pancreatitis. ...
  • Hepatitis. ...
  • Diverticulitis. ...
  • Gynecologic Disorder.

What is the difference between pelvic and lower abdominal pain? ›

Abdominal pain occurs in the area between the chest and groin, also called the belly. Pelvic pain occurs in the lowest portion of the abdomen (below the belly button) and in the pelvis.

What does lower pelvic pain mean? ›

If you're a woman, you might feel pain during your period. It could also happen when you have sex. Pelvic pain can be a sign that there is a problem with one of the organs in your pelvic area, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, or vagin*. If you're a man, the cause could be problem with the prostate.

Can lower abdominal pain be uterus? ›

The pain occurs when the muscles of the uterus (womb) contract or tighten. It often feels like cramping or a heaviness in the pelvic area, lower back or stomach. Despite it being a common feature of getting your period, if the pain is severe, it could be an indicator of something more serious, such as endometriosis.

Where do you feel ovarian pain? ›

What does ovarian pain feel like? Ovarian pain may be felt in the lower abdomen, below the belly button, and pelvis. It can present itself as dull and consistent or as sharp bursts of sensation. While uncomfortable, ovarian pain is not uncommon.

Can you have lower abdominal pain but not due period? ›

Many women experience pain in their abdomen from time to time that feels like period pain and cramps; however your period may not be the cause of this pain. These feelings of discomfort could be because you are ovulating, constipated or feeling overly stressed.

What is a ghost period? ›

Periods without actual flow, also known as phantom periods or phantom flow, have symptoms that are very similar to those of a normal periods except that there is no actual blood release. Phantom periods can occur due to a variety of reasons including stress and endometriosis.

When should I get abdominal pain checked? ›

If your pain is sudden and severe, or if it occurs with any of the following, you should seek immediate medical attention: Persistent vomiting and nausea. Constipation (especially with vomiting) Vomiting blood.

What organs are below the belly button? ›

This part of your abdomen is referred to as the umbilical region. It contains parts of your stomach, small and large intestine, and your pancreas. There are many conditions that can cause periumbilical pain.

How does lower abdominal pain feel like? ›

Lower abdominal pain can range from mild to severe, occurring anywhere from your belly button to your pelvis. Sometimes, it's no more than a dull, aching sensation that's easy to ignore. Other times, it presents as sharp, stabbing pain that can stop you in your tracks.

What should I avoid lower abdominal pain? ›

Some people with chronic stomach discomfort are more sensitive to certain foods like dairy, spicy foods, soda, fried foods or alcohol. These foods can relax the muscle that keeps food from traveling backward, increase stomach acid production or keep the stomach full for too long.

What are natural remedies for lower abdominal pain? ›

Try putting a heating pad or hot towel on your abdomen. The heat can help relax the muscles and relieve cramping. Taking a hot shower or bath with Epsom salts may also help. If the stomach pain is persistent, try sticking to the basics with the “BRAT” diet – that is, bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

What causes heaviness in the lower abdomen? ›

Swallowing excess air, eating high-fat foods that delay stomach emptying, and even stress can contribute to abdominal bloating and lower abdominal pain. Intestinal and stomach-related conditions that cause these symptoms include: constipation. an intolerance to certain ingredients, such as lactose or gluten.

What is abdominal pain that comes and goes? ›

Peptic ulcers, such as stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, can cause dull abdominal pain that comes and goes. The condition may develop a few hours after eating or during the night. Taking antacids or eating some food may relieve it.

When is abdominal pain an emergency? ›

Emergency care for abdominal pain

Sudden onset of stomach pain. High fever. Blood in your stool or vomit. Stomach pain following an accident that has caused trauma to the abdomen.

What are the 4 quadrants of abdomen pain? ›

Quadrant 1 is the upper right part below the bottom of the ribs and above the navel. Quadrant 2 is the upper left area, below the bottom of the ribs. Quadrant 3 is the lower left part of the abdomen. Quadrant 4 refers to pain in the lower right abdomen.

How do I know if my abdominal pain is serious? ›

Call your doctor right away if you have abdominal pain so severe that you can't move without causing more pain, or you can't sit still or find a comfortable position. Seek immediate medical help if pain is accompanied by other worrisome signs and symptoms, including: Severe pain. Fever.

What organ is in the lower abdomen? ›

The lower left quadrant is where the small intestine, colon, ureter, and major veins or arteries to the veins are located. Lastly, the lower right abdominal area is the site of the appendix, ascending colon, and part of the female reproductive organs.

How long is too long for abdominal pain? ›

Call your doctor if you have abdominal pain that lasts 1 week or longer, if your pain doesn't improve in 24 to 48 hours, if bloating lasts more than 2 days, or if you have diarrhea for more than 5 days.

How long should you have abdominal pain before going to the ER? ›

If the pain is sudden, severe or does not ease within 30 minutes, seek emergency medical care. Sudden abdominal pain is often an indicator of serious intra-abdominal disease, such as a perforated ulcer or a ruptured abdominal aneurysm, although it could also result from a benign disease, such as gallstones.

What does pancreatic pain feel like? ›

The main symptom of acute pancreatitis is a severe, dull pain around the top of your stomach that develops suddenly. This aching pain often gets steadily worse and can travel along your back or below your left shoulder blade. Eating or drinking may also make you feel worse very quickly, especially fatty foods.

What does diverticulitis pain feel like? ›

The most common symptom is sharp, cramp-like pain in your lower abdomen. The pain may come on suddenly and persist for days without letting up. Usually, the pain is on the left side of the lower abdomen. However, it can also occur on the lower right side of their abdomen.

How do you know if you have an infection in your lower abdomen? ›

severe abdominal (tummy) pain. blood or mucus in your stools. diarrhoea that lasts longer than 2 or 3 days. signs of dehydration, such as excessive thirst or not passing much urine.

Can gas cause lower abdominal pain? ›

What to know about gas pains in the lower abdomen. Intestinal gas is a byproduct of the digestive process. It may also occur due to swallowing air while eating, diet, and underlying health conditions. If the body cannot release enough gas, it can cause pain in the lower abdomen and other areas.


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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.